Reading Promise

There is so much power in a promise. Especially those made between a child and those they love.

We all want to support our children’s development. But in today's world, where we’re constantly hit with conflicting and complicated messages, it’s sometimes hard to know where to start. 

Reading Promise is a campaign that highlights the top research-backed (and family-approved) ways to support literacy development at home and in everyday moments. Not only does it shape how we share tips with families, it’s designed to simplify and align how we talk about literacy as a city. And provides Read by 4th partners with clear messaging and literacy-activating tools to share with families.

We noticed early literacy language rarely comes directly from families. So, we’ve created messages that are evidence-based and relatable.

From the start, it was important for us to design this work alongside families. To learn from their experience, ideas, and expertise as their children’s first teachers. Through one-on-one conversations and focus groups, families continuously emphasized one thing: the importance of tone.

A Shift in Voice: We speak as families and caring neighbors, because that’s simply who we are.

A Shift in Voice:
We speak as families and caring neighbors, because that’s simply who we are.

Educational tips can sometimes feel condescending, making them less likely to be adopted even when the advice is good. Rather than the traditional approach of speaking as experts from an ivory tower, we shifted how we speak to share information as trusted peers. Framing much of our language from the perspective of a parent making a promise to their child.

In a time of widespread distrust in institutions and the growing influence of social circles, speaking as Philly families and caring neighbors allows us to be heard in a refreshing and meaningful way. And through social media, web forms, and interactive signage, families are encouraged to add their voice by sharing their own literacy tips and Reading Promises.

Just some of the free giveaways Read by 4th partners are sharing with families.



As of January 2021

40,000 Reading Promise materials shared, reminding families to celebrate reading at home and in everyday moments.

3,000+ families safely attended 30+ virtual and socially distanced literacy events during Reading Promise Week. 

25,000+ Philadelphians viewed the Reading Promise campaign video.




Philly ABCs

