Chelsea Clinton in Philadelphia to highlight project tying learning to everyday places (Chalkbeat Philadelphia)

Temple University psychology professor Kathy Hirsh-Pasek one day was pondering the fact that only 20% of children’s waking hours are spent in school. 

Then she spied a bench.

“Does a bench have to just be a bench?” she asked herself. “Is it just for sitting, or can we do other things with benches?”

She called an architect friend. “We could make a bench into a scale,” she said. “Kids could be doing measurements using the bench.” Benches could add movable parts that create puzzles to promote math skills. A map in front of a bench for students could orient them to their surroundings.

She thought further. Why can’t a bus stop be a place of learning? What about a grocery store? “We could turn the entire city into learning opportunities,” she thought.

And so the playful learning movement was born. It seeks to make public settings – buses, laundromats, public parks, grocery stores, and waiting rooms in health centers and doctors’ offices — places of active learning by including displays that catalyze conversations and activities with children into literacy and knowledge.

This article was originally published on on October 27, 2022. Written by: Dale Mezzacappa.


Writing to Build Literacy


COVID’s Impact on Children in Philadelphia