Talk It Up

There’s nothing like being a kid in the grocery store. Even outside of the candy aisle, there is so much to see, learn, touch, and talk about. Everyday moments like this, though frequently unnoticed, are critical in building language skills and growing stronger readers. If only we can see them. 

We partnered with Smith Memorial Playground & Playhouse on Talk It Up, a project designed to help families realize the power of everyday moments. Based on Dr. Kathy Hirsh-Pasek's insightful study Supermarket Speak, we placed vibrant and unexpected signage in everyday places (grocery stores, barbershops, laundromats) with the goal of increasing language-full interactions between children and their families. 

While school is critically important, our children spend most of their time with us. Things like answering a question about temperatures in the dairy aisle or solving a riddle while on the bus can help boost children’s language skills. Talk It Up signs are small nudges to talk, laugh, and play as a family. We hope they help grow stronger readers and remind us all to find more moments to enjoy the time we share together.

The grocery store really is a great place to learn. When a child is excited about cereal, an apple, and every once in a while a candy bar, they start to realize that reading and communicating are necessary.

Jeff Brown
President and CEO, Brown’s Super Stores Inc.


Cartoon of young boy in purple hoodie.

Meet AJ–
A Philly native and your trusted Talk It Up guide.

To excite and engage young children, it was important that we have a fun character guide families through this learning journey. And it was just as important for that character to look, sound, and truly reflect the community.





As of January 2021  

Talk It Up signs in 16 grocery stores, 7 laundromats, and 7 barber shops and salons have reached thousands of families across Philly.






Book Nooks


Reading Captains